Well, its that time again. We are seeing signs everywhere informing us that our summer is coming to an end. For my blog post this month I've decided to spread a little hummer to all those teachers who are experiencing the "Back to School Blues" like I am. I can't think of a better way to convey my conflicting emotions of returning to school than with a serious of reaction gifs. Hopefully some of these will give you a little chuckle while we watch our summer come to an end.
Quick Reference:
MRW = My Reaction When
HIFW = How I Feel When
MFW = My Face Ween
MRW I see BTS sales when i'm trying to find a nice summer dress for a wedding
MRW when I walk into my classroom to see that it is completely moved around and I cant find anything.
HIFW all my recommendations on Amazon.com are all office supplies and toys (especially since I dont have kids)
HIFW my Erin Condren Life Planner arrives, it is super cute, and my fiancee does not appreciate its amazingness.
The Preschool teacher warning me about the new kids coming into kindergarten.
MFW a parent tells me they wish they could have me as their child's teacher again this year.
MRW my fiancee interrupts my morning routine of coffee and watching the news by telling me that I only have a few more days left of these lazy mornings.
HIFW as an adult, I get to go back to school clothing shopping.
MRW I get too invested in choosing children books to read this year.
MRW my aid finishes one of my BTS bulletin boards and it's incredible!
MRW sitting in a meeting and the administration discusses changes for the new year.
My expectations of the first day of school with my new kindergarteners.

MRW I spend an exuberant amount on items to make my room cute for this year at Lakeshore

MRW even though we have a stressful roller coaster of emotions job as teachers, I am doing what I love - making a difference.

Well I hope this help cheer some of those teachers up who are having the "Back to School Blues" like I am this summer.
Thanks Marlie! I needed this. Only one more week off for me in Missouri.