
Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Ok, so it’s not actually a real scientific fact.  
But I know a lot of teachers who could vouch for the validity of the above statement. LOL

I work at a school whose dress code does not allow for blue jeans to be worn…except on the last Friday of every month…and a few days in between when my principal is feeling generous.   

Jeans are a BIG DEAL at my school.  We may or may not beg to wear jeans quite often. 

100% faculty attendance… about a jeans day tomorrow?

Valentine’s Day… know what goes great with a red shirt?

No one got sick in the cafeteria today…..a celebratory jeans day would be wonderful!

Can you wear jeans where you teach?  Is it a big deal to get to wear them? 

Truth be told, jeans ARE comfortable, they match everything, and they can stand up to the messes of the classroom pretty well.  But I honestly think the main reason we WANT to wear jeans so much---
is because we’re told we CAN’T. 

New diet says no sugar.  All you can think about is sugar.

Christmas present under the tree.  All you want to do is open that present.

No jeans at school……by golly that’s ALL you want to wear right??

Ha!  I feel your pain.  J

Sometimes I wonder though…if khakis were suddenly off limits and were deemed inappropriate for school….would that be the one thing we want to wear most?  LOL

Make it a great day friends.  (whether you’re wearing jeans or not!!)


  1. We can wear jeans... I suppose we could wear them everyday if we wanted to. But few of us wear them more than every so often, and that is usually on a Friday, or a "get dirty" day. We need to be neat and "well dressed" regardless of the specific types of items we're wearing. I think your theory of wanting what you can't have because you can't have it might be very true :) See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

    1. That's awesome you can wear them whenever!! We usually still have to wear a "professional" top with our jeans unless it's a school spirit t-shirt. Our principal has been great this year and given us several unexpected jean days as special treats!! Thanks for stopping by the blog Kathleen! :-)


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