Teaching is hard. In fact, it is very hard. With the daily challenges and pressures that present themselves everyday even before we show up at school, I have found that it is imperative for teachers to find kindred souls in their peers. Because who else understands more and can better help us find joy and success in the work that we do everyday, but our teacher friends?!
Recently I read the article on 27 Amazing Things Teacher Friends Do For One Another, and it got me to reflect back on the many friendships that I have made and kept throughout the years. After going through my Facebook Friends, I realized, "Oh my goodness, almost more than half of my friends are teachers!" And because teachers are so amazing, it's no wonder why teachers are the best type of friends to have!
1. Teachers are so incredibly generous and giving. Teachers spend out of their pockets and go out of their way all the time for their students and anyone they know. They are also generous with their time and do things for others that they know they may never be recognized for.
2. Teachers are creative beyond belief! Give a teacher a cold and bare classroom and he/she will give you the most amazing and inviting learning space you will ever see! Give a teacher a box of recyclables and things that others may consider trash and he/she will give you the most incredible STEM challenge.
3. Teachers are supportive. Had a bad day or going through something difficult? Find a teacher friend next door who will listen to you, cry with you, and support you every step of the way.
4. Teachers are multi-talented. Need someone to teach, coach, fix the copy machine, console a crying child, design a new bulletin board for Open House, cook for Friday's potluck, take on a club, and present at a conference all in one week? Ask a teacher. I bet you a teacher somewhere out there has done these and more in a week before. Teachers are amazing!
5. Teachers are selfless. Sure, they haven't eaten lunch because they spent most of their lunch replying to emails or talking to a parent on the phone, but that's who they are and what they do on a daily basis. They are always thinking of others before themselves.
6. Teachers are spontaneous and fun! Need someone to help you spice up the lesson and make it more fun for the kids?! Your teacher friend got you! May it be running to the store in the evening to grab a list of things for tomorrow's lesson or dress up and look ridiculous to others outside of teaching, but your teacher friends will help make teaching so much more fun for you and learning even more engaging for your students!
7. Teachers are amazing! From the little things to the great, BIG things that teachers do everyday, teachers really are amazing and I am so grateful to have taught with and become friends with so many AMAZING teachers!
So if you have teacher friends, hold onto them. If you're looking for the most awesome friends around, find a teacher and be a good friend to them! :)