
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Teaching Two Digit Addition Strategies

Two Digit Addition Strategies

Hi, it's Jane Feener dropping by to discuss some of the ways I have taught two digit addition strategies in my class this past month.  I can now finally say that I have learned how to do it using all the various strategies that are being shown to students today.  Before moving to second grade the only way I knew how to add two numbers was with the good old traditional vertical algorithm that I was taught in school.  Now, my students tend to chose their own ways and I am okay with that. 

Use a blank number line

This one I thought would be confusing for my students but most got it right away.  I think they liked the idea of hopping along the line like a bunny.  If you were adding 46 + 35, you would start with the largest number and place it at the beginning of the blank number line and then you would make 3 large jumps for the 3 tens.  Next, you would make 5 smaller jumps for the 5 ones.  The students count by 10 first and then by ones to come to the answer 81.  As long as your students can count by 10's this strategy works well.

Use a hundred chart

As long as students have a hundred chart at their disposal, this strategy is a great one to use.  My students have name tags on their desks that contain a small hundreds chart so I often saw them referring to their chart.  I also had large hundred charts copied and laminated for my students to use.
If they were adding 46 + 35 on the hundred chart, their first step would be to circle the largest number which in this case would be 46.  Next, they would move down vertically 3 rows for the 3 tens and then move horizontally to the right for the 5 ones to come to the sum of 81.  When I taught this I made squares around the tens and circled the ones just to give students a reminder that they were going down by tens and then changed to the circles to show the ones.  I also used a marker to put arrows on the the hundred chart to help those students who needed a little reminder.

Use place value

This strategy took a little bit more explanation but once students figured out how to decompose the numbers into tens and ones, they were experts at solving sums this way.  I know the poster may look a bit complicated but I found that by using circles and squares for the different place values helped my students.  My students also liked drawing the arrows.

Use base ten blocks

I found for any of my students that experienced difficulty with adding two digit numbers, that this was the best strategy to start with.  I worked at the small table with students using the base ten blocks to solve various problems and it was wonderful to see little lights coming on in their heads as they started to figure it out.  I had a few students who I gave a small ziploc bag of base ten blocks for them to keep at their desk and use as needed.

My students really enjoyed singing and dancing along to this YouTube video as well.  These teachers are great!                                  

You can find a copy of these posters and a booklet with an answer key to practice each strategy here.

Two Digit Addition Strategies Poster and Booklet
You can get this free poster of the more traditional method of two digit addition in the preview.  Just check here.

If you have any other videos or tips you use to teach Two Digit addition, I would love to hear about them.  Now I am off to learn all the different subtraction strategies!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Ok, so it’s not actually a real scientific fact.  
But I know a lot of teachers who could vouch for the validity of the above statement. LOL

I work at a school whose dress code does not allow for blue jeans to be worn…except on the last Friday of every month…and a few days in between when my principal is feeling generous.   

Jeans are a BIG DEAL at my school.  We may or may not beg to wear jeans quite often. 

100% faculty attendance… about a jeans day tomorrow?

Valentine’s Day… know what goes great with a red shirt?

No one got sick in the cafeteria today…..a celebratory jeans day would be wonderful!

Can you wear jeans where you teach?  Is it a big deal to get to wear them? 

Truth be told, jeans ARE comfortable, they match everything, and they can stand up to the messes of the classroom pretty well.  But I honestly think the main reason we WANT to wear jeans so much---
is because we’re told we CAN’T. 

New diet says no sugar.  All you can think about is sugar.

Christmas present under the tree.  All you want to do is open that present.

No jeans at school……by golly that’s ALL you want to wear right??

Ha!  I feel your pain.  J

Sometimes I wonder though…if khakis were suddenly off limits and were deemed inappropriate for school….would that be the one thing we want to wear most?  LOL

Make it a great day friends.  (whether you’re wearing jeans or not!!)

Monday, April 18, 2016

iWorksheets - For Those Times You Just Need a Worksheet!

Hi everyone,
I'm Josie from iWorksheets at Teachers Pay Teachers. I'm a primary teacher with a heart for art! I don't have a blog of my own, but thought I'd try out the blog scene here on Who's Who.

To try out great resources for your little learners, check out this Free Sampler Pack. There are seven (7), full size worksheets, with answer keys included, for you to use with your kids. Hey! Can't pass up free worksheets!

In my next post, I will show some of my resources in action. I wanted to give you a heads up so you could benefit now.

Have a great week! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Minecraft Writing Fun

Rockin' Teacher Materials: Playing Minecraft Games to Writing Minecraft Stori...: Kids love Minecraft. I really don't get it, and I am a pretty hip teacher! However, getting kids to WANT to write is half the battle, right? So, I got them writing with this pack.

If you'd like to see more with my kids in action, head on over to Rockin' Teacher Materials!
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Tackle Classroom Clutter in a Snap!

Click to Enlarge Image

Organization Hacks That Triumph Over Classroom Clutter
Brought to you by Quill

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Circus Performance

Does your school require each grade level to deliver some sort of performance to the rest of the school and parents? My school does and we are always given the liberty to choose our theme.  In pre-k, we love to put together a circus performance for our school and our parents.  My students have a lot of fun, my parents love it, and I love every hard-working minute of it!

First of all, let me tell you that it is a lot of work.  Once you’ve put it together once though, each year that you do it, it becomes easier.  The first year I did this, I saved a sample of every costume with instructions.  I have compiled all of my notes and instructions into this Circus unit.  If I've missed anything, I'd be more than happy to add any additional instructions if needed.
The Circus
This is a great activity for integrating English speaking students with bilingual or ESL students.  It gives them a great opportunity for them to work together and communicate in an environment outside of recess.

In case you need to justify to an administrator the importance and benefits of having your students participate in this activity, I have listed some for you:

*Behavior Control- Students will need to learn to behave during the whole performance
*Control of Attention-Students will gradually need to increase their attention span to 30 minutes
*Social Competence Skills-Students will learn to work with each other
*Listening Comprehension Skills-Students will need to listen to a continuous set of instructions given by the teacher
*Speaking (Conversation) Skills-Students will need to speak to each other as they work in small groups
*Speech Production Skills-Students will practice their role/song to make it understandable
*People, Past and Present Skills 
*Art Skills-Students will be creative decorating their costume
*Music Skills-Students will sing the songs before each act
*Dramatic Expression Skills-Each student will have a role to play during The Circus performance
*Gross Motor Development Skills-Students will be marching in and taking their place and then participating in their role
*Fine–Motor Development Skills-Students will be decorating their costume with sequins and small objects

As you can tell, there are many reasons for putting together a circus performance.  In this Circus unit, I have included everything you need for you to put together your own circus performance.  It can also be easily adapted for other grade levels if needed.  I have included the bilingual part as well in case you would like to collaborate with a bilingual teacher.  Hope you find it useful!  

Good luck and happy planning!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Earth Day Hats

Friends~I am so excited to share with you my Earth Day hats!  I love making these super simple hats with recycled materials! 

All you will need is 1 large-brown paper grocery bag (I let my kiddos decorate the bags with crayons and markers first.)

Check out the directions below!

*I also use old tissue paper or recycled grocery bags for the flowers!  

Click the video below to watch a quick tutorial on the hats!

You can check out more Earth Day fun over on my blog by clicking HERE!